Support for domestic abuse

Reporting Concerns
Reporting Concerns to the police
- Domestic Abuse is a crime. If you are in an emergency situation always call 999. You can then dial 55 if it is unsafe for you to speak.
- Police 999 for emergencies, 101 non-emergency line or online at Contact us | (
Reporting to the local safeguarding teams
You can telephone or use the online portal to report concerns.
- Children Safeguarding Services
- If you are worried about a child call: 0345 045 5203
- Emergency Duty Team (Out of Hours): 01733 234724
Adult Safeguarding Services
- If you are worried about an adult call: 0345 045 5202
- Emergency Duty Team (Out of Hours) : 01733 234724
Online referrals for children and adults: Members of Public – Making a Referral | Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board (
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
- Domestic Abuse Local Support call: 0300 373 1073 (9-5 Monday – Friday)
Legal Advice
Legal advice is available from several sources, including:
Cambridge Citizens Advice Bureau:
The National Centre for Domestic Violence:
Resolution (finding a law professional to help you):
Legal Rights – information from DASV Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership - What Are My Legal Rights (

Safe Space Locations
Please follow these links for information on designated safe spaces. Selected pharmacies, banks, jobcentres and libraries have joined an initiative to provide safe spaces for people experiencing domestic abuse.
Safe Spaces Locations - UK SAYS NO MORE
Supporting Organisations
Please follow these links for further information
Advice for people affected by domestic abuse - Cambridge City Council
B United: supporting male victims
Cambridgeshire Deaf Association
Cambridge and Peterborough Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse (DASV) Partnership
Domestic Abuse National Helpline
Domestic Abuse and Support Service (DASS)
The Elms Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
Friends and family support and advice Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership - Opening Closed Doors (
Foundation for Women’s Health Research and Development (Forward): supporting African women and girls
Independent Domestic Violence Advisory (IDVA) Service
Karma Nirvana (for victims of honour crimes and forced marriages
PEG Support – for child to parent abuse
Pets – advice on protecting your pets Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership - Pets (
Victim Services | Support for Victims (